Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: March 1, 2025 - Last updated: March 1, 2025


Author: Kinitra D. Brooks

Title: The Importance of Neglected Intersections

Subtitle: Race and Gender in Contemporary Zombie Texts and Theories

Journal: African American Review

Volume: 47

Issue: 4

Year: Winter 2014

Pages: 461-475

pISSN: 1062-4783 - Find a Library: WorldCat | eISSN: 1945-6182 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 21st Century | European History: English History; American History: U.S. History | Cases: Fictional Victims / Hannah, Michonne; Selena; Types: Rape / Attempted Rape; Representations: Comics / The Walking Dead; Representations: Films / 28 Days Later


- (Free Access)

- JSTOR (Restricted Access)

- Project MUSE (Restricted Access)

- ResearchGate (Free Access)


Author: Kinitra D. Brooks, Department of English, Michigan State University -, ResearchGate

  Searching for Sycorax (p. 462)
  All the Women are White (p. 463)
  All the Blacks are Men (p. 465)
  Black Women as Critical Spectators (p. 468)
  Black Women as Complicated Characters of Zombie Horror (p. 468)
  Notes (p. 473)
  Works Cited (p. 474)

Wikipedia: History of Europe: History of England | History of the Americas: History of the United States | Comics: American Comics / The Walking Dead (comic book) | Fiction: Fictional victims of sexual assault / Michonne | Film: Horror film / 28 Days Later | Sex and the law: Rape / Rape in the United States